The Couples Covenant: Relationships & Marriage (by Gwendolyn Philmon)


The Couples Covenant is an inspired literal design for those in a committed relationship that they plan to lead to marriage, as well as for those who are already married. Among the various potential benefits thoughtfully provided in this writing are tools that expose some of the distractions, hindrances, and traps you can avoid; that foster and facilitate the building and fortifying of trust; that establish and maintain assurances, harmony, and security within your home; that promotes an open and pleasant home environment, which operates in unity. It also presents practical suggestions, including that couples should establish rules and boundaries agreeable to both, that individual and collective goals and plans should be routinely discussed, and that couples find ways to inspire and support each other. It further identifies a committed relationship and a marriage as a partnership that must be individually and mutually maintained to ensure enduring success.

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