My Unbelievable Journey: The Story Of An Air Force Crewman (by Albert Monroe)


“My Unbelievable Journey” is a powerful autobiography from a flight aircrewman’s perspective. During his service, he and his crew were involved in numerous unique and dangerous missions while supporting our country and NATO allies. The flights take the reader on a worldwide journey divulging what our crewmen endure and encounter in their daily lives. It reveals the impact on their families being away from home for weeks while serving and protecting our nation. The story places the reader on the ground, both in hostile and non-hostile environments, many of which are directly in “harm’s way.” Various humanitarian missions are covered from earthquake relief in Japan and Turkey to joint military exercises in Iran and Sardinia. Several “special missions” are spotlighted like the ill-fated C-5 crash, the prelude to the “Baby-lift” evacuation in Vietnam, the Syrian-Egyptian war support in Israel, and the transportation of cruise missiles in Europe.

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From the Hood, to the Church (by D. Brewster)
Things Black People Aren’t Taught (by Raymond K. Boseman)
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Behind The Rank Vol. 3 (by Lila Holley)
The War Has Ended, but the Memory Lingers On (by Christian & Helen Gutteling)