Believing in Horses Out West (by Valerie Ormond)


Sadie Navarro rescued a mare from an auction accomplishing what she thought was the most important mission of her young life.

Now, that mare is headed to a ranch in Montana and a home Sadie knows nothing about.

She wants to make sure the horse is in good hands, but Montana is far away and a different world from Maryland.

Will fourteen-year-old Sadie need to stand up to rugged cowboys to protect her special rescue horse?

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Meet the Author

Valerie Ormond retired after a 25-year career as a Naval intelligence officer and founded her own business, Veteran Writing Services, LLC. Valerie’s three novels, Believing In Horses; Believing In Horses, Too; and Believing In Horses Out West have all won national and international awards. Her fiction and non-fiction stories, poems, and articles have been published in books, magazines, newspapers, and blogs. She lives in Maryland with her Navy veteran husband Jaime Navarro where they enjoy their family, friends, horses, and dogs.







Believing In Horses (by Valerie Ormond)
Believing In Horses Too (by Valerie Ormond)